Wednesday 3 December 2014

Thank You & Merry Christmas

Dear Parents,

Thank you very much for your generous gift and card.!
It has been an absolute pleasure teaching your children over the past six months.
I hope you have a lovely Christmas celebrating the birth of our Saviour Jesus and a wonderful start to the New Year.

Many thanks,
Miss Plummer

Sunday 30 November 2014

Year 2 Celebration
Kindergarten and Year 1 were invited to attend year two’s end of year celebration party. Year two did an excellent job of hosting the party and preparing the food and games. The girls and boys played musical statues and went on a treasure hunt with yummy prizes! 

Time Flies!
It’s the final week of school for our Inaburra students and what a fantastic year it has been! Thank you parents for all that you do at home to support your children’s learning at school! There will be a few changes to routine this week with our Presentation Day on Thursday.

Please bring in the following for our presentation day performance costume.
  • A plain white t-shirt
  • Modest blue jeans (or jean shorts)
Students can leave these at school in a plastic bag marked with their name and class.

Friday 28 November 2014

Year 6 Fete

Year 6 Fete

The week ended on a high note with face painting, snow cones, quoits, nerf guns, hair spray and much more

Sunday 23 November 2014

Week 8
News Topic Where would you live?
If your family could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why? Consider different cultures, customs, food, languages and clothes.

Tuesday K-6 Leadership Assembly (8:30am in the PAC)
Wednesday Swimming
Year 6 Fete (students can bring up to $10 to spend)

* For our presentation day performance Year 1 students will need the following for their costume:
- A plain white t-shirt

- Modest blue jeans (or jean shorts)
Please begin thinking about whether your child has these items for the assembly next Thursday (4th December)

Sunday 9 November 2014

News Topic: Seasons
What is your favourite season and why?

Monday  Parent and Teacher dinner 
Tuesday  PE lessons have been rescheduled for Tuesdays until the end of term due to rehearsals for our end of year K-2 performance (please bring PE SHOES).  
Wednesday  Swimming and String Groups
(please pack a pair of thongs for students to wear to the pool and back)

Thursday  Annual Music Night

Susannah Place Excursion

Susannah Place Excursion
Our excursion to Susannah Place was held on Tuesday 4th November an involved stepping back in time to see what family and community life would have been like in the past.

Some students were given the onerous task of shopkeeper whilst others made their request in role as customers. The shopkeepers searched high and low to find the items on the shopping list. They measured beans using scales and investigated old currency.

In another house we walked through time and learned about bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms of the past. We saw a wooden fridge without a plug and lots of candles around the place!